As you move toward the end of the year, it is important for leaders to think back over the past year and reflect, assess yourself and your work. Take notes and then ask what adjustments you need to make in your life, in your business and as a leader during the new year. Share this […]
Read MoreLeading Self!

I often get asked by leaders I work with, “how do I scale the leadership capacity of my team?” My answer is simple. It starts by leading and scaling oneself. This means working on oneself and building your capacity to lead and show up intentionally. Looking in the mirror is not easy, but essential to […]
Read More self-awareness, triggersWhat is Your Story?

We all have one. When was the last time you shared your story with someone you trust? Like many of you it has been a very long time, or you never have done it. It is important to understand how our experiences, and our story shape who we are and how we think and behave. […]
Read More ConsciousLeadership, LeadershipWhere Am I?

This is an important question we should be asking ourselves throughout the day! Where am I? Am I at my best, relaxed and present (above the line) or am I stressed or anxious (below the line)? Knowing and understanding where you are is the key to conscious leadership and how you are showing up. The […]
Read More #WhereAmI, ConsciousLeadership, SelfawarenessShame: The hidden emotion
I am reading an excellent book called The Soul of Shame by Curt Thompson. A friend recommended it to me as we were discussing how this strong emotion shows up in our daily lives. Over half of the executives I work with deal with shame. Shame activates a whole host of feelings that include embarrassment, […]
Read More emotion, Leadership, shamePause

When was the last time you gave yourself a break from the day to day activities that consume you at work? I work with a lot of busy executives and many of them find it difficult to stop, pause and take a break from the action. One of the reasons it is so difficult is […]
Read More Leadership, self-awarenessFEAR – What weighs you down?
I have been back for two weeks from the conference. It was thought provoking and stimulating. At the conference there was a display that allowed conference attendees to express their biggest fear on a rock and carry it around for a day to feel its weight. The next day as conference attendees placed their rocks […]
Read MoreWhat Great Leaders Do….Reflection
I love this picture of this bird looking at itself in an upside-down position. It is a great visualization of what leaders need to be doing as we wind down the year. Leaders need to reflect on their leadership. This is not a once a year thing but it should be a practice you do […]
Read MoreLeadership Lessons from the Chicago Cubs
My beloved Cubs won the National League Pennant for the first time in 71 years. The goat is history and it is on to the World Series. As a leader, what can you learn from the Chicago Cubs and how they built a winning team? Here are 2 important leadership lessons: It starts at the […]
Read More Chicago Cubs, Leadership, Strategy, Theo Epstein, Tom RickettsCharacter Matters!

Late last month the world lost a wonderful human being…Arnold Palmer. Not only was Mr. Palmer one of golf’s greatest professionals, he was more importantly a kind, compassionate, morally centered family man, business icon and philanthropist. During the week of the Ryder Cup, they honored Mr. Palmer and interviewed iconic personalities asking them to describe Arnold in one […]
Read More Arnold Palmer, Character, Integrity, Leadership, Moral- 1
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