I don’t know about you, but last night I did watch the circus to find out where Mr. James would be playing basketball for the next several years. His decision did not surprise me but how he went about it was…in my humble opinion, appalling. What a show! What a show man. This was all about LeBron!
As a leader what can you take away from this spectacle?
1. The best leaders are ones that demonstrate humility. I did not see any demonstrated by LeBron last night. What I witnessed was narcissism. Pure and simple. The best leaders focus on their team, community, stakeholders, customers. Yes, I did write in my last posting that leaders do need to take time for themselves, but this was in the context of making them a better leader. I was not talking about holding your team and community hostage for months about a decision that is best for you.
I feel LeBron believes that he IS the reason why his former team was successful. LeBron, I hate to be the one that tells you, organizations are made up of many constituents that help make them great. It is not about…YOU. It about how you as the leader make your team better that helps propel the organization to greatness. That is humility in action.
2. Announcing his decision in Greenwich, Ct., and not in his home town of Akron or Cleveland was a cop out. Ohio deserved better. LeBron was not man enough to face the public in Ohio with his decision. These are good people who loved and supported LeBron and he turned his back on them. Leaders need to own up to their decisions and face their constituents and suffer the consequences. Leaders don’t ignore your customers and stakeholders when making tough calls.
3. I heard that LeBron notified Miami during the day that he was coming and failed to notify his former team, owner and teammates until his big moment on TV last night. Another cop out. Yes, I know it would have been announced in the news immediately and it would have ruined his show. Well, a humble leader would have communicated his decision to his former team, owner and teammates, held a press conference in Cleveland and taken all the good, bad and ugly remarks from the media and fans in Cleveland.
Leaders need to make tough calls. This was not a easy decision for LeBron and Miami might be his best option to win a championship. However, he could have handled this decision very differently and would have shown what a true champion he really is. Instead, LeBron choose the different route. The journey of ME. He will live with his selfish act forever.
Share your what you learned from LeBron!